Monday, August 20, 2012

A City of Children

    (Taken at the Marcy Avenue subway station in Williamsburg)

A vexed mother flings an uncooperative child on the seat next to where I sit on a public subway bench.  Before I continue, it should be said stated that with the exception of a few children in my life that are dear to me, most kids seem to be quite astute to locating every last nerve of my being, then jabbing at them with an olive fork.  Within the first sixty seconds of being seated next to me, I was jabbed four times with a right elbow and kicked three times with a right foot.  By one minute, thirty seconds of the encounter, a small whiffle ball was  dropped in my lap, which then rolled and fell under the bench.  Before I could lean forward and assist in the retrieval the ball, an awkward moment occurred when the child rushed to the ground on all fours, digging between my feet.  I looked to my left to see the parent's indifferent expression, followed by an equally indifferent shrug.  I then looked right to appreciate this tag.

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