Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Indianapolis Skyline

From the top of a parking garage on S. Meridian Street...

Looking over the Wholesale District.

I go under those tracks quite often, but its not everyday I go above them...


E. said...

BEAUTIFUL pictures!

Unknown said...


JG said...

I really like the shot over the old engine house.

Downtown Indianapolis looks very different from the southside than it does looking from the northside. It definitely has an old early 20th century industrial look. I like that much of the NEW construction matches that.

Anonymous said...

The third picture shows the view from the point where the new roller coaster starts and ends. People enter Union Station to board the roller coaster, then the roller coaster cars leave Union Station at this point going west on tracks that are directly above the existing freight rail tracks below. When the cars reach White River, the roller coaster starts the typical roller coaster run. There is enough room over White River to make a huge size roller coaster. The roller coaster cars return to Union Station at this same place.