Friday, January 30, 2009

Indianapolis Intersections - Prospect Street and Pleasant Run Pkwy

This is the intersection of Prospect Street and Pleasant Run Pkwy. On the southeast side of Indianapolis, it is only a few blocks from the old Indianapolis Coke plant. Right by the railroad bridge, there is a park bench that sits by Pleasant Run.

Prospect Street.

The old railroad bridge that is near the intersection. I've observed and have taken so many pictures of the old railroad bridges around town, and no two are exactly alike.

A reader left a comment on a previous post giving me a tip for this location. While I was taking pictures of the Indianapolis Coke plant, I saw this waterfall and remembered their comment. It's an interesting scene to see in an industrial, somewhat dirty area around the plant.

Mmmmm combined sewer/storm water drainage.... I had to take deliberate positions to exclude this from the previous shots.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Indiana Weather

This was taken only a few days ago!

This was taken yesterday evening.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Indianapolis Skyline

Indianapolis' tallest buildings.

The day was clear enough to see The Pyramids, which are a little less than 10 miles away. If you look close enough (closely behind Methodist Hospital), you can see Indianapolis' highest summit in Crown Hill.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Industrial Indianapolis

Indianapolis has many interesting old rust belt relics. I'm already naturally interested in scenes like this, but it does open a door into Indianapolis' past.

Old grain elevator on Sherman Drive and Raymond Street. I found this place to look much more appealing in back and white.

Indianapolis Coke Plant on Prospect Street. I don't know exactly when this place is to be dismantled, but I thought I would take some shots of it before it disappears.

Looking down Prospect Street to the Indianapolis Coke Plant.

A CSX train slowly groans it's way through downtown.

West Washington Street and Tibbs Ave.

Thermal Plant on Kentucky Avenue. These look much better in color.

Belmont Avenue.

Alright sun, give me all the long wave EM radiation you have, to melt this ice!

Large beams protruding though pine trees, this of course caught my attention.

Closer look.

Also on Belmont Avenue.

The Urbanophile recently did an excellent post about sidewalks just like this one; this configuration may work in munchkin land, but I'm 6'4", and dude, this is just not cool. Taken on Sherman Drive, near Raymond Street.
Yours truly battling the local flora. Think the look on my face is too dramatic? This was taken right after I got bitch slapped across the face by a tree branch with potential energy courtesy of my own hand.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Indianapolis Intersections - Meridian Street and Troy Avenue

The intersection of Meridian and Troy is on the city's south side; just a few miles south of downtown.

Careful folks, he's a weepy drunk.

Modernist Liquor Store...

Across Troy Ave.

Behind The Thirsty Turtle.

Naptown Ink.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Urban Nature

I was taking some pictures for a future post when I noticed this tornadic-looking sunset, and by luck a flock of birds came flying by.

Taken on the Northeast side close to Fall Creek Pkwy and Keysone Ave.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's Winter in Fountain Square

It was nice for a winter day as I walked through Fountain Square, considering the day before was hovering around 0 degrees.

All kinds of interesting murals in the back of the buildings along the main arteries of the neighborhood.

On the streets.

The Discreet Charm of the Alleyways...