Thursday, July 30, 2009

From South Street

Looking down New Jersey Street toward Virginia Avenue...

Click image to enlarge...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Jail Bird v2.0

I have been under the weather for a few days, so I wasen't been able to get many shots over the weekend. This is a revision of a shot I posted last October; this was taken on Virginia Avenue, close to Maryland Street...

The original post is located here...

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

On S. Harding Street

These were taken on Harding Street, from W. Washington Street to Oliver Avenue...

These are best if viewed large:

My bike and I can cast a large shadow...

Harding Street Pub and Grub...

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Wabash Street Relic

In the Wabash Street alleyway between Delaware and Pennsylvania Streets...

Best if viewed large, click the image...

Friday, July 24, 2009

Indianapolis Architecture - Sacred Heart Church

One of the architectural jewels of the south side; I will have to do a future post on the inside in the future, its quite amazing. If memory serves, I believe it was built by German immigrants (like much of the architecture on the south side) in the 1870's.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Haughville Castle

This structure along 10th street has always intrigued me. I have some closeups of the other places around the building for a full Haughville Neighborhood post I will do once I am finished shooting the area.

This is definitely much better if viewed large...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

On E. Prospect Street

A real junkyard dog protested my presence here...Luckily a chain separated me from the surly Rottweiler...

Safety and quality, no doubt; but the environment is quite a lofty claim for the king of Indianapolis Brown fields...I can't even imagine what the remediation and reclamation cost of this place would be. Walk anywhere close and you can smell the benzene and coal tar. There was recently a good post about brown field development on Urban Indy, and may accessed here.

Yes, it says boobies can....

Not your grandma's coke oven...What?

This red stuff was bubbling up out of the ground, running down the street, and into a storm drain (which undoubtedly drains into the nearby Pleasant Run).

More invasive flora...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Changing of the Guard

This little time capsule is located on West 10th Street, shortly before Belmont Avenue...

Monday, July 20, 2009

New York and Keystone

It will move though your colon faster than a speeding bullet and with more power than a locomotive; well alright that's enough of that.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Creeping In

Taken in an alleyway close to the intersection of 24th and College...

Monday, July 13, 2009

10th and Sherman

I love E. 10th Street; it is probably one of the most intact urban corridors in Indianapolis. Despite the challenges it faces, mainly being decay and crime rates that are higher than many other parts of the city, it remains a vibrant corridor.

These photos were shot at or around the intersection of 10th and Sherman Dr.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

On N. Capitol Avenue

These were taken on North Capitol Avenue, close to where it intersects with St. Clair Street.

The dude to the right looks confused, perhaps he tried to do his own taxes...

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

On South Davidson Street

These were taken on Davidson Street, just south of Washington Street. This area is mostly abandoned, but the viaduct running over Pogue's Run provides a makeshift community for some the homeless people in the area. This area is usually busy with all kinds of people, but for some reason, I only saw one person around on this day...

*All the images here may be enlarged by clicking on them...
**Some of the images here contain some profanity...

The Pour House is an advocacy group helping homeless individuals around Indianapolis with finding jobs, practical needs, and other support.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Looking West on Michigan Street

Looking west on Michigan Street from around where it intersects with Sherman Drive.

(Click the image to enlarge)