Saturday, February 28, 2009

On College Avenue

This is an interesting reflection I came across on College Avenue, close to Washington Street while peering though an old window. This is purely a reflection...I don't even own Photoshop :-)

Coming into the light at Washington and College.

Also at Washington and College.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Anyone notice the small cow on the corner of Washington and Meridian Street? The first day, he gave me a business card pitching his livestock at parties business, and the second day, he handed me a dollar.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

On Market Street

Right by the Indiana Parking Garage; a popular hangout for smokers.

I see no point in taking this down; when the next cold war starts, they have you covered. I once had a neighbor who exercised the same philosophy with their holiday decorations.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Volatile Separation - A Portrait of the Citizens Gas and Coke Plant

Now that this post has been titled like a 'Made for television movie', lets get down to business...

Awww man, that's no fun...

I have no idea of what the function is for most of these various parts of the plant, so I won't even try to explain them ;-)

As I walked by, I could hear the very distinct sound of extreme volumes of gas under pressure flowing though these pipes.

Probably shouldn't be here, but hey nobody caught me...

This monster can be seen from many different parts of the East side.

I wonder how often these stairs were climbed when this plant was operating?

Not quite sludge, not quite mud...Smludge?

Indianapolis' Own - Little Shoppe of Horrors

Close to the intersection of Shelby Street and Hanna Avenue, The Little Shoppe of Horrors carries a wide selection of vintage records, cassettes, books, comic books, video games, and even game systems.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Indianapolis Intersections - Belmont and Oliver Avenues

From the nearby transfer station.

Scrap metal yard; quite a diverse range of materials, including a really old dump truck.

A little North of Oliver on Belmont Avenue, but close enough....My obsession with trains is a life-long struggle...

Interesting business names...

Closeup of a nearby substation; if you look closely in the shadowed area, there is a scorch mark who's size is consistent with that of a small rodent [I guess squirrel].

I wonder how long this water tower has been around?
This is The Heidelberger Papers' 100th post.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

On Pleasant Run Pkwy

Near Garfield Park...

If you have to litter; litter with things that promote Indianapolis...

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Fun with Trains

On a walk down the dubiously titled Pleasant Run Trail, I ended up upon a set of tracks that ran through the Citizen's Gas and Coke facility and along the recycling facility on Keystone Avenue and was able to take some shots some train cars that were parked there.

Looking toward downtown.

Old telegraph and signal wires...

I wonder if any knows where the key to this box is located?


Coal carrying cars.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Indiana Weather

This ominous sky was taken during that wind storm a few days ago. I've always thought it was cool how trees and buildings look this way before a storm...

Friday, February 13, 2009

Underground Indianapolis

Tagged on the side of the Keystone recycling facility on Indianapolis' east side.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The shakedown!

Well OK, I don't know what's transpiring here...But 'shakedown' sounds cool. On Delaware Street, by the city market.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Industrial Indianapolis 2

This is a new series that I'm experimenting with.

On Sumner Avenue, close to East Street.

Along Deloss Avenue. This area is off of Shelby Street, not far from Fountain Square.

His and Hers?

Along Shelby Street North of Fountain Square.

Along the White River on a defunct stretch of White River Pkwy. Those small dots in both of the shots below are geese.