This is the third installment in my Long Island City, Queens series, which features the Jackson Avenue and Davis Street vicinity. This area is close to the Long Island City Courthouse.
Many of the industrial buildings in this area have become a canvas for graffiti artists. Some of the graffiti in this area reminds me of what you can find in Brooklyn.

The 7 Train curves into the 45th Road – Court House Square station in Long Island City along the IRT Flushing Line. The green atop the train indicates that its running local. This line is sometimes dubbed the International Express due to the various ethnic neighborhoods along its stops. John Rocker (of Atlanta Braves fame) once blasted this train, Mets fans, and all of NYC in general with an Archie Bunker-esque diatribe; as I always say, words spoken by d-bags need not be taken seriously...

Some random gritty beams holding up the IRT Flushing Line...

Graffiti, Propane Tanks, and a single crate...

45th Road – Court House Square Station along the IRT Flushing Line. The 7 Train runs here 24 hours a day...

One of my favorite diners in NYC sits there on the left, the Court Square Diner...

The exact location of the photos have been geotagged in Flickr; as always, they are also best if viewed large. You may click the image to see geotag info and larger sizes...