Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I'm currently in New York City this week, so I decided to break tradition and post this shot of the corner of 31st Street and 5th Avenue. This is located near Union Square...

Monday, December 28, 2009

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Looks Like 9th and Hennepin

Taken at the corner of Market and Pennsylvania...

This is best if viewed large...
This shot reminds me much of the Tom Waits song 9th and Hennepin:
Well it's Ninth and Hennepin
All the doughnuts have names that sound like prostitutes
And the moon's teeth marks are on the sky
Like a tarp thrown all over this
And the broken umbrellas like dead birds
And the steam comes out of the grill
Like the whole goddamn town's ready to blow...
And the bricks are all scarred with jailhouse tattoos
And everyone is behaving like dogs
And the horses are coming down Violin Road
And Dutch is dead on his feet
And all the rooms they smell like diesel
And you take on the dreams of the ones who have slept here
And I'm lost in the window, and I hide in the stairway
And I hang in the curtain, and I sleep in your hat...
And no one brings anything small into a bar around here
They all started out with bad directions
And the girl behind the counter has a tattooed tear
One for every year he's away, she said
Such a crumbling beauty, ah
There's nothing wrong with her that a hundred dollars won't fix
She has that razor sadness that only gets worse
With the clang and the thunder of the Southern Pacific going by
And the clock ticks out like a dripping faucet
til you're full of rag water and bitters and blue ruin
And you spill out over the side to anyone who will listen...
And I've seen it all, I've seen it all
Through the yellow windows of the evening train...

Monday, December 21, 2009

Off of Prospect Street

A few blocks east of Shelby, located behind Santorini's...

Pimpn' the Honda

Geneva Convention Fail...

Both are best if viewed large...

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Miracle on 52nd Street

These were all taken at the corner of 52nd and College near Broad Ripple Village... I put quite a bit of detail in these shots, including snow and are best if viewed large (what a surprise huh?).


Stopped at Taste for breakfast, ended up having the bacon cheddar quiche; although it tasted great, I doubt its the healthiest thing around ;)
Blindly awaiting for sustenance; the glasses come off, because I hate wearing them when I shoot, but its a catch-22 because I can't see to operate the camera with them off..Oh well, I make it work.

It arrives, camera goes off, glasses go on :)

Friday, December 18, 2009

He Walks Alone I and II

The corner of Pennsylvania and Market Streets...

A few blocks to the south at the corner of Pennsylvania and Maryland Streets...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


The outdoor seating section of Acapulco Joes which is at the corner of Illinois and Vermont...

This should be viewed large...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The Survivors On Irish Hill

This area lies on almost complete abandon with the exception of a few old structures that have survived mass demolition and decay... All of the exact locations for these shots have been geotagged in flickr.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Not a very common sight in Indianapolis and this is why I cherish this alleyway. On Wabash Street, between Delaware and Pennsylvania Streets...

Monday, December 14, 2009

Going Feral

A colony of feral cats dominating an abandoned house near the corner of Washington and Highland on the near east side... I had to take this one at 250mm, for getting anywhere near them was out of the question; just taking this shot from across the street made them pretty nervous.

I know l sound like a broken record, but this shot contains copious amounts of detail and is much better if viewed large...

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Alleyway Alpha

Behind the Hilbert Circle Theatre...

This shot has quite a bit of detail and is best if viewed large...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Inclimate Weather

The first three shots were taken near Pennsylvania and McCarty...

An alleyway near 9th and Pennsylvania...

Under I-65, looking at 12th Street, near Delaware.

The eastern plaza of the City Market...

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Almost Symmetrical

Taken from North Meridian Street...

This shot is much better if viewed large...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Behind the Murphy Building

Behind the old G.C. Murphy Building which is on Virgina Avenue...

The shot above has quite a bit of detail to it and is bettere if viewed large...

Monday, December 7, 2009

Its Winter Time in Chatham Arch

Well, OK, the winter solstice doesn't arrive for another few weeks yet, but this weekend felt like winter. I walked a few streets of Chatham Arch taking advantage of the favorable lighting.

11th and College

11th and Park...This is once of the strangest ice shots I've ever taken; although I can't remember the last time I shot ice.

10th and Park

10th and Central

On Massacheusetts Avenue

Near the newest section of the Cultural Trail

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sherman and Brookville

On the Southeast side, two blocks of away from Christian Park...

I walked several hundred feet north to take some shots of the nearby PRR bridge...