Coming on Newtown Creek, leaving Brooklyn and entering Queens, on the Pulaski Bridge. The bridge was completed in 1954 and was named after the American Revolutionary War commander Casimir Pulaski. The skyline of the Queens neighborhood, Long Island City is seen in the distance.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Top Right Jaundice
Perhaps this graffiti artist is working to promote hepatic failure awareness? Perhaps not, but it merited a photograph in my eye. Taken on 14th Street in the Gramercy/Union Square area of Manhattan.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wrong Side–Do Not Open
Definitely wouldn’t want to get stranded on a filthy abandoned platform would you?. Taken at the Hoyt-Schermerhorn subway station in Downtown Brooklyn…
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
3-2-1 Speed Off
"What? You want me to take you to Brooklyn? Ha! You're a funny, funny, man..."
Taken on Broadway in the lower teens, near Union Square in Manhattan.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Crossed Wires
Just hanging around in Astoria photographing wires and fire escapes. Taken near the corner of 30th and Newtown, exact area is geotagged in Flickr.
Monday, February 21, 2011
Winter Relapse
Less than 48 hours ago, it was 68 degrees, the snow was all but melted, and sunny. Tonight it snows...
Taken at the corner of Bedford and Lafayette, the subway entrance in my neighborhood. This photo should be viewed large, you may click the image to do so.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Weekend Visual Closeout Madness
Musashi commutes to Lower Manhattan using the J train! Who knew? Taken from the platform of the Marcy Avenue subway station in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Every live poultry place has a competitive edge, take this one is Greenpoint for example; its no-nonsense façade lets you know they mean business. The one in my neighborhood carries rabbits in stock, all about the live animal niche market…
Say hello to Freeman Alley in the Bowery. Now that your formally introduced, you may want to view this one large. Once you do, you can bask in fire escape goodness and learn that someone really hates Che Guevara.
This light in the tunnel stood there for five minutes before finally creeping to the platform, teasing everyone on the platform, whom have already been waiting 10-15 minutes. Oh well, this was occurring in the Hoyt-Schermerhorn station in downtown Brooklyn, so while I wait I can enjoy it all in its grimy glory and appreciate that I am looking at the platform which Michael Jackson danced to his ‘Bad’ music video.
Friday, February 18, 2011
NYC Subway, Rolling Stock Profile: The R42
The R42 cars are the second oldest cars in revenue operation on the New York City subway system. They were built around 1970 by the St. Louis Car Company. You will mainly see these cars in service during rush hour in peak directions as the J and Z train engage in a skip stop pattern to and from Lower Manhattan to Jamaica. Much like the R32 trains, they are rusty and rickety.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Scenes from Nolita
Nolita is a portmanteau of North of Little Italy. This neighborhood and Little Italy itself is rapidly being absorbed by nearby Chinatown as many of the residents of Italian descent have left the area and the borough of Manhattan altogether. Other Manhattan nearby neighborhoods include the Bowery, SoHo, Little Italy, Chinatown, and NoHo.
Nolita was the birthplace of film maker Martin Scorsese, who among others, is known for making films in the setting of organized crime (ie Goodfella and Casino); interestingly enough Gambino Family boss, John Gotti worked out of this neighborhood and Little Italy.
These photographs were taken throughout the neighborhood…
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
No Standing in Sugar ANYTIME
Taken near the corner of 1st and 1st in East Village, Manhattan…
This shot contains high amounts of detail and is best if viewed large, you may do so by clicking on the image.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Behind the Lines
There were some cracks being passed in the Flickr universe of this photo giving off an Escape from New York vibe. Well, if that’s the case, then here’s to you Snake Plissken!
Monday, February 14, 2011
62nd/New Utrect Avenue Subway Station
The 62nd Street/New Utrect Avenue Subway Station is a small transit complex of two connected stations servicing two lines of the New York City Subway. This station serves the BMT West End Line (D train) and the BMT Sea Beach Line (N Train) and is located in the Boro (also known as Borough) Park area of Brooklyn, a neighborhood close to the neighborhoods of Bensonhurst and Coney Island. The New Utrect Avenue station was built in 1915 and is in the National Registry of Historic Places. These photos document the platforms, exterior, transfer crosswalk, and the aesthetics of the stations.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Liquor Lit Tree
There’s nothing quite like neon signs at night, and this one has the added bonus of lighting a winterized tree. Taken on Roebling Street, near the Williamsburg Bridge on the Brooklyn side.
This image is best if viewed large, you may click it to do so…
The Green Fulton Mall
The newly renovated Fulton Mall in Downtown Brooklyn. New streets, sidewalks, and lighting were among the improvements…
Friday, February 11, 2011
Trekking the Williamsburg Bridge
What exactly do I mean by trekking? Strolling on foot over the East River from Williamsburg Brooklyn to the Lower East Side of Manhattan with temperatures in the lower to mid 20’s with wind gusts of 35 mph…Hell no! My camera and I were warmly aboard a Manhattan bound J train, besides, getting strange looks from people as I excitedly bounced from window to window of the car getting my shots made the experience even more satisfying.
The Williamsburg Bridge is a productive, multimodal one; it serves automobiles, three subway routes, pedestrians, and cyclists.
The grade of the bridge is slight, but enough to add an interesting slant to the Williamsburg skyline when I use it as the perspective for my composition.
The two shots above show both structures from Cooperative Village and public housing on the Lower East Side of Manhattan as soon as you cross the East River.
As soon as you pass Cooperative Village, the train begins its journey underground into Lower Manhattan under Nassau Street.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Downtown Brooklyn: Old School
Downtown Brooklyn in undergoing rapid change with the construction of highrise luxury condos, the Atlantic Yards project, and many other tides indicative fast paced NYC gentrification. These shots were taken from Livingston Street, near Bond, a section that resembles what Downtown Brooklyn (and much of the entire city) used to appear before it took a much more upper class trend.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Urban Canyon ^ 2
Due to repeated cycles of winter weather, pickup of trash and recyclables in NYC has been suspend for much of the past few months. This enormous backlog of refuse are quite evident and I don’t envy the sanitation workers. It takes up precious sidewalk realestate and on warmer days emits a fetid odor, but the rats are happy.
Hello Navy Yard
Looking at the Navy Yard near Flushing Avenue in Clinton Hill, Brooklyn. From this perspective, you get a unique view of both the Williamsburg Bridge and the Midtown Manhattan skyline…
This is one of those shots where it is definitely best if viewed large, you may click the image to do so…
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Slope Canyon
Architecture that is iconic of many street scenes in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Park Slop. The arterial streets are lined with buildings of this nature, which are a commercial/residential mix and the minor cross streets, which are cladded with historic brownstone homes.
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Dogs of Winter
Cry snow buried trash...Cry blackish-brown slush...Cry opportunistic rodents...And let slip the dogs of winter.
Taken near Rivington and Bowery in Manhattan.
The thin and lame Shakespeare-ian allusion I just dropped is much funnier with beer, and lots of it, which by the way, is available at the small white shop front and center. To gain access to your foamy, alcoholic comedic appreciation aid, just navigate around the minivan sized, mound of black snow…
Taken on Greenpoint Avenue in Greenpoint, Brooklyn.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Dirty Dozen Value Addition: Bedford-Nostrand
An alternate take on the featured Bedford-Nostrand station on the G Line in Bed Stuy is the station where I enter the system everyday...
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Chair Up, Tables and Stools Loaded
A cool furniture store in the Bowery, Manhattan. This area has quite a small business niche for shops like this, whether it be commercial lighting or restaurant supplies, you can find it here.
Friday, February 4, 2011
ConEd Bus Stop
Looking at the ConEd East River Generation station at the corner of 15th and Avenue C in Alphabet City, Manhattan.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Chaotic Intersection: Myrtle and Broadway