When you want to find what makes New York an amazing city are always not the things you see on a screen, as a tourist, or in necessarily in the history books, but some of the truly strange and odd things you see when you allow your feet and eyes to wander. They can also be found under a distant elevated line in Brooklyn.
I just love garbage water; nectar of the gods I say!!! Taken in the 5-pointz gallery, which arguably has some of the best graffiti in the world; Long Island City, Queens.
Here's Johnny!!! Taken in Long Island City, Queens...

New York is always under a state of change; a wave of gentrification has been transforming neighborhoods in the city that have historically been working class strongholds in recent years. The displaced classes of people tend to get forgotten in this process. Taken in downtown Brooklyn.
Graffiti, wheat paste, and other forms of street are top notch. This was taken in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn.
Nothing like a little Orwellian logic after a night of fun in the East Village...
Alphabet City has a hip veterinarian, I think I might take my cats here next time; they just 'love' the subway.
Ducks ● Goose ● Chicken ● Rabbit ● Turkey ● Rooster...Oh My. If you look hard enough, you can probably find these stores in more NY neighborhoods than not. This is the one in my neighborhood. Taken Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn.
The pigeon is just as ubiquitous as the plump NY rat, but with wings. It never ceases to amaze me how many people are afraid or at least have a strong aversion to these things. A rat runs across a subway platform and more than half the people there combat each other for the nearest bench to take refuge and stand on. I, myself, have always enjoyed the challenge of sneaking up on unsuspecting vermin and watch them scurry away when I present myself and shot boo! What can I say, I'm easily amused. Taken in a Dominican neighborhood in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.