This neighborhood is kind special to me; my family has a lot of history here. My Great Grandparents lived here, my grandparents were raised, married, and buried here, and my mom was born here. When I was a child, this area was quite blighted and decayed; today, it is a charming urban neighborhood with different classes of people. Unfortunately, the one thing that
hasn't changed is the
occasional industrial smell that graces the area with it's
On Meridian Street; now a parish hall of Sacred Heart.

There's something these older structures have that is missing in newer ones.

Same here...

And Here...

Union Street

Minnesota Street...These types of classic houses are
plentiful here.

My great grandparents lived here for years, my great aunt lived in the house to the right.

Meridian and Morris; my mom was born here. Time has not been kind to this place.

Nothing rings in an
architectural movement like cinder blocks.

East down
Karcher Street. In places where the pavement is cracked, you can still see the brick that was paved over.

The sign says it all.

View of Sacred Heart Steeples from
Karcher Street.

Chase Tower in the distance from Union Street.

Look up periodically, there's always something to see.

Sacred Heart

Some blighted row houses. Wouldn't those be pretty cool after little (or maybe a lot of)

View of the Indianapolis Skyline from South Meridian.

I took many more pictures of this neighborhood that are not posted on this blog. If you are more interested in this neighborhood, check out the South Meridian Neighborhood set on my
Flickr page.