Monday, August 31, 2009

34th and Illinois

Some of the revitalization that has been going on through 38th Street has not made it very far south as of yet. Taken only a few blocks from Crown Hill Cemetery; this shot probably violates various accepted principles of photography, but I was just try to squeeze as much wide angle as I could with the lens I was using. One thing someone has to do when photographing in Indianapolis early on is to make peace with the utility poles and overhead wires...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brookside View

I've always loved the view from here. Looking towards downtown from Massacheusetts Avenue, close to Rural Street. Brookside Park is located just after the signal (Valley Street) in the distance.

Definitely better if view large...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Downtown Post-Rain Walk

I ended up taking a few shots of downtown after the rain stopped. These shots were taken on E. Washington Street and Monument Circle.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Desolation Row II

On Madison Avenue, just south of downtown is this six lane beast...Raymond Street and a single crosswalk are the only paths across it.

These are much better if viewed large...

A few more shots of the area, which is near the Bates-Hendricks area...

Graffiti forest...

Now Gone

This old structure was shot at the corner of Madison and Terrace back in December 2008.

The site as of 8/26/2009; shot from Palmer Avenue...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

On N. Delaware Street

These were taken in an alleyway near the intersection of Delaware and 10th Streets in the St. Joseph area.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Ellenberger Monster

In Ellenberger Park, a large creature lurks in Pleasant Run...

These shots contain much detail, and are better if viewed large...

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Night Falls over the Wholesale District

Looking toward Union Station...

Looking north of Meridian Street, toward Monument Circle...

Both of these shots were taken around 1:00 AM...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Monon Cobblestone

There are many cobblestone streets that cross with the Monon Trail; many of which are still in decent condition. On the Monon Trail, at 17th Street.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Crown Hill Skyline

A bit of an experiment with an overcast day. This was taken at the highest point of elevation in Indianapolis; which is located in Crown Hill Cemetery, near the resting place of James Whitcomb Riley.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hetherington and Berner Inc.

A long standing relic at the corner of McCarty and Kentucky Avenue is the now abandoned Hetherington & Berner iron works complex. I've heard the days for this structure is coming to an end, so I took a few shots of it before its gone...

I managed to get this shot of the inside of the main warehouse...

Vegetation has been surrounding and consuming this place for a while...

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Joe Konz recently featured a post about me in his photography blog, Photo Potpourri.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Winter Time Flashback

This is the corner of Pennsylvania and Ohio Streets. I took this back in January of this year; the cold is not too far away...

Friday, August 14, 2009

Flare On the Monon

My first attempt at experimenting with lens flare...This was taken on the Monon Trail, close to Fall Creek.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


UPDATE: Flickr has been having some intermittent issues since yesterday evening, if the images fail to load, please try back in a few minutes...

Looking toward Washington and College...This viaduct runs along the east and south ends of downtown. Pogue's Run, a small naturally occurring waterway, that is now sequestered in a sewer follows under much this viaduct.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sherman Sky

A pure Indiana-made afternoon sky. This was taken on Sherman Dr., close to 10th street.

16th and Delaware

The sky has been quite agreeable the past few days; this silhouette is looking west down 16th Street right before sunset.

I have linked the image to its source page on Flickr; when there, you will be able to view larger sizes and tagged image data for you photography fans out there.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

On Southeastern Avenue

A few blocks southeast of Twin Aire...

These are best if view large, click the image to enlarge.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Art Deco Sunflowers

At the northeast corner of 30th and Meridian, across the street from the Children's Museum...

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Meridian Street Row Houses

On South Meridian Street in the Sacred Heart area is a stretch of old row houses that are in rough shape. With plentiful houses and other mixed use buildings in this area, the potential of this area could be great.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Central Avenue over Fall Creek

In my opinion, the Central Avenue bridge over Fall Creek is one of the most interesting bridges in Indianapolis...

*I realized I forgot to link the images to their larger sizes; they are now linked.