Monday, May 31, 2010

From Long Island City With Love

Taken from the Queensboro Plaza subway station in Long Island City, Queens. This station is located at the Queens side of the base of the Queensboro Bridge. You can see the Midtown Manhattan skyline in the background.

This photo has been geotagged and must be viewed large, you may do both by clicking on the image.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Stream

Taken from Pennsylvania Street along Fall Creek in the Fall Creek Place neighborhood of Indianapolis...

Unedited Original...

Friday, May 28, 2010

Zuccotti Park After Dark

Located at the corner of Liberty and Broadway in The Financial District of Lower Manhattan; about a block from the World Trade Center.

Best if viewed large on white, you may click the image to do so...

10 Street For Sale

This long vacant building at 10th and Pennsylvania Streets in the St. Joseph neighborhood of Indianapolis is becoming a canvas for bad graffiti...

Best if viewed large, you may do so by clicking on the image...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Skyscrapers, Fire Escapes, and Rubber Stamps

Taken from the corner of 10th and Pennsylvania Streets in the St. Joseph area of Indianapolis...

Must view large, you may click the image to do so...

Rogue Manhole Covers

Near 1oth and Alabama Street in the St. Joseph area of Indianapolis...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Babe of Brooklyn

In a neighborhood called Borough Park (not far from Bensonhurst or Coney Island), which has a heavily dense Orthodox Jewish population. This makes for an incredibly quiet (almost surreal considering your in NYC) neighborhood on the weekends. Obviously a baby running alone down the sidewalk really caught my attention, but don't worry, her parents are on the stoop in the distance.

This image is geotagged in Flickr and must be viewed large; you may click the image to do so.

Randolf / Washington

Taken from a Red Line subway station in Chicago's Loop...

Definitely best if viewed large, you may click the image to do so...

Monday, May 24, 2010

The Commute

Taken from College Avenue in Lockerbie Square in Indianapolis...

Weathered and Burned

On Alabama Street, near the corner of 19th in the Herron-Morton neighborhood of Indianapolis.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Jesus Saves

On top of the Wheeler Mission on Delaware Street...

Best if viewed large on white, you may click the image to do so...

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cabbie Smoke Break

Taken from the High Line (an old elevated rail line converted into an urban park) in the Meat Packing District of Manhattan...

Best if viewed large and geotagged, you may click the image to see both.

Big Wheel Bikes

At the corner of 33rd and M Streets in Georgetown, Washington D.C.

This photo has been geotagged in Flickr, which may be seen by clicking on the image...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Ask for Woody

Bail and gun permits go together so well together... On Delaware Street, across from the City County Building...

Over the Edge

It has been years since I went to the top of the Sears/Willis tower, but this occasion was different for I had my camera (with wide angle lens) with me. There is a section of the observation deck that features a glass section which you can walk on and see over the edge. I waited patiently, but eventually had to give some greedy tourists, that were hogging this space 'the shove' to get this shot.

This shot amuses me to no end...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tunnels * 3

Looking over part of the Smithsonian National Zoological Park from Connecticut Avenue in the Adams-Morgan area of Washington DC...

This one should definitely be viewed large on white, you may click on the image to do so.

Fight, Fight, Fight

Itchy and Scratchy hanging around outside the Athenaeum Building...

Monday, May 17, 2010

A Day in DUMBO

Not the elephant that sports well endowed ears, but a neighborhood in Brooklyn called Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass.

Both of these shots are from York Street, this one is looking at the Midtown skyline in Manhattan across the East River...

Also on York Street but looking the opposite way...

Both these shots have been geotagged in Flickr and recommend checking them out to take a peek at the interesting geography and layout of the area. As per usual, I also recommend viewing these in large as well. You may do both these things by clicking on the shot...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

My Favorite Terminated Vista

With the recent talk of Terminated Vistas, I thought I would share my favorite one. The Chicago Board Of Trade Building presides over right where the La Salle Street Canyon terminates into Jackson Blvd...

Exact location is geotagged in Flickr...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hoboken Hello

Looking at Hoboken New Jersey from the Hudson River Pier from the West Village area of Manhattan...

Must view this large on black, you may click the image to do so...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Line of Fire

This crossing is notorious for being an uncomfortable pedestrian experience. Located at Meridian and Fall Creek...

Best if viewed large...

Trying to be a good neighbor

The new addition to the Indianapolis / Marion County Central Public Library...

Must view large on white for the most desired effect!!! You may click the image to do so.

The Franklin

Near the corner of 86th and Lexington; the heart of the Upper East Side...

Best if viewed large...

Monday, May 10, 2010


The restoration of the Central Avenue Methodist Chuch is underway. This chuch is located at the corner of 12th and Central in the Old Northside neighborhood.

Best if viewed large, you may click the image to do so...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Atlantic Av

Having a little fun with ultra wide angle distortion. This is the Williamsburgh Savings Bank Tower, taken near the Atlantic Avenue subway station in Brooklyn.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

All About the Money

The Wednesday Farmer's Market has returned to Market Street...

Definitely best if viewed large...You may click the image to do so.

Sahm and Scioto

A few blocks north of the Central Library...

Definitely better if viewed large on black, you may click the image to do so...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Stay Out of the Chicago River

Beause I fall into it all the time; this was taken near the corner of Jackson and Wacker...

Exact location is geotagged in the image's Flickr page...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Saturday Social

On Halsted Street in the Lincoln Park neighborhood of Chicago...

This shot is completely unedited...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Vacant Building in the Clouds

On Delaware Street, near the the City County Building and the City Market. I really liked this place, really the only one of its kind downtown...

Brown to Blue

Looking North over State Street from the Library-State/Van Buren Station

Going down to Dearborn Street to Transfer to the Blue Line...
Best if viewed large and these shots are geotagged in the Flickr Page, you may click the images to do so...